rare calathea varieties

It does best in bright, indirect light but can also tolerate low-light conditions. To keep the plant healthy, it should be placed in bright, indirect lighting, watered regularly and the humidity levels kept high. The leaflets are arranged in a spiral pattern on the leafstalks, and they fold up at night. . If you are lucky enough to have a Calathea Pavonii, take care of it well so that it will thrive. , which is the reason why is also called the Network prayer plant. The flowers are small, white, and borne in inflorescences. Just like several Calatheas, these plants are nyctinastic meaning that their leaves fold at night and spreads open during the day. Its background leaves are light green in color, while its amazing markings are made up of darker green shades. For a full rundown on caring for Calathea, check out our Calathea Care Guide. However, during spring, it produces whitish-purple blooms that are quite insignificant. These plants are also known for being finicky, so they may require extra care to keep them happy. Its leaf stems have a dark-red color that is tinged with purple making them ideal for color lovers. or furry feather Calathea because of its furry texture on the undersides of the leaves. The Rufibarba varietys foliage is not elaborately colored like other Calathea types but this does not take away its gorgeousness. Ensure that you do not overwater this plant to avoid root infections which also lead to foliage discoloration, stunted growth, and death. The leaves also have purple undersides and can grow as long as 12 inches. As with other Calathea varieties, the Calathea Musaica will need soil that can retain moisture while still allowing excess water to drain out quickly. Each one of them has its own foliage patterns or markings and the most interesting thing about Calathea is that all varieties have the same care requirements.. Furthermore, some of these rare Calathea plants are hard to find, as they are not widely available in nurseries or other stores. It is native to Brazil and its yellow flowers are very unique. Calathea White Fusion Care Guide which leads to foliage burns as well as plant death. All of these attributes combine to make Calatheas rare and sought after. While there are many different varieties of Calathea, some are rarer than others and highly sought-after by collectors. The leaves are dark green with light green stripes and are 6-8 inches long. The leaves grow to be at least 8 inches (20 cm.) This plant has the same care requirements as the White Star. Exposure to sunlight is vital for its development but excessive light destroys the beautiful foliage and blooms. Maintaining humidity levels is also essential so be sure to mist your plant regularly or place it on a pebble tray. Regular misting or the use of a pebble tray should keep the plant feeling comfortable and looking its best. In the middle of each leaf, there is a smaller leaf-like distinctive pattern that is light green. Endemic to Ecuador, these rare calathea types feature large, green, oval leaves, marked with a dark green crescent shape pattern on opposite sides of the midrib and along the margin. Not only does this plant add visual appeal, but its rare existence and rare appearance give it an exceedingly unique quality that cannot be matched. The rare Calathea type known as Calathea Freddie is a hard-to-find plant with stunning round leaves striped with varying shades of dark and light green. To keep this beautiful plant thriving, it requires bright indirect light, well-draining soil that is kept moist, and high humidity levels. Many nurseries specializing in rare and exotic plants will carry the Calathea. With the right combination of light and water, this rare beauty will thrive in its new environment! With the proper care and attention, your Calathea Freddie will be sure to bring much joy and beauty into your home! Warm indoor temperatures are most recommended. Green leaves with white stripes make up the plant. Some of the most popular varieties are the zebra plant (Calathea zebrina) and the peacock plant (Calathea Makoyana). It is an evergreen perennial that grows to about two feet tall and wide. This rare and exotic beauty will bring a magical ambiance to any home with the proper care. I've begun this list with three of the easiest Calathea to care for, and ended it with the tricky Calathea White Fusion. Due to its uniquely marked foliage that resembles a reptile, Calathea lancifolia is commonly known as the rattlesnake plant. With proper care, Calathea insignis can make a beautiful addition to any home. For example, the Calathea roseopicta 'Dottie . With proper care and attention, this plant will inject some vibrant colour into any indoor garden. These pretty designs are best for bringing beauty to your indoors. Its. So, what are you waiting for? The undersides of the leaves are a rich shade of purple, Has pink dots on its deep green leaves and the undersides of the leaves are a rich shade of purple. While this plant is not commonly found in cultivation, it is becoming more popular among collectors and growers due to its rarity and beauty. This zebra plants leaves have a deep green color variegated with lighter green stripes and this gives it a finesse appearance. The Beauty Star Calathea can grow to an average of six to 36 inches in height and six to 24 inches in width. Let us take a look at Calathea alternatives, in brief, to widen your knowledge of these plants. With long, slender leaves and deep green hues in contrasting with white stripes, it provides an eye-catching look in any room. To keep this plant healthy and thriving, it should be kept in bright indirect light, watered regularly so soil moisture levels remain optimal but never waterlogged, and humidity maintained by misting or placing on a pebble tray. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The Calathea White Jade can be found in specialty nurseries and online. The white fusion Calathea cultivar also termed the Calathea lietzei, has green leaves and high contrast white marks with magenta hues on the undersides of the leaf that extends to the stems. However, to keep this wonderful plant healthy, be on the lookout for pests and diseases which are the most common Calathea problems you may encounter. Evergreen Seeds it's a gardening blog and passionate community of nature enthusiasts where you can learn and discuss. The mature height and width of the plant are three feet and 16 inches, respectively. Calathea Crocata requires high humidity and indirect light to thrive, making it a perfect choice for the home or office. It is a rare variety that is grown as a houseplant. Temperatures below 60 F are very bad for this plant as they negatively affect the foliage. This varietys beautiful egg-shaped leaves that have colorful markings are the main reason why it is widely sought-after. 16 Amazing Calathea Varieties Worth Hundreds. The beauty stars leaf tops have vivid stripes that come in pink, white, or silver colors. Calathea Orbifolia is a Rare Calathea type that is native to Bolivia. This variety is large and does well in bright but indirect sunlight. Among them are the Argentea, Bachemiana, Beauty Star, Bijao, Cigar Plant, Corona, Dottie, Eclipse, Ecuadoriana, Elliptica, Eternal Flame Plant, Fasciata, Freddie, Fucata, Gymnocarpa, Helen Kennedy, Ice Blue, Jungle Velvet, Lotus Pink, Macrosepala, Marantifolia, Medallion, Micans, Misto, Network Plant, Peacock Plant, Pinstripe Plant, Prayer Plant, Rattlesnake Plant Crotalifera, Rattlesnake Plant Lancifolia, Rosy, Round-Leaf, Silver Plate, Stromanthifolia, Thai Beauty, Undulata, Velvet, White Fusion, White Star, White Tiger, Wiotii, and Zebra Plant. It is a popular variety, with its dark green top side and a blend of gray and green on the underside with a tinge of purplish margins. It is sensitive to over-fertilizing which leads to foliage burns as well as plant death. If youre lucky enough to have a Calathea Pavonii, take good care of it so it will thrive. Too little light slows down the growth rate and distorts this plants foliage appearance. Calathea is a fantastic houseplant that brings a unique and beautiful touch to your home. Calathea Warscewiczii prefers moderate to bright indirect sunlight, Photo by David J. Stang, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons, Photo by David J. Stang, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons, Calathea Beauty Star, or Calathea Fasciata, rzysztof Ziarnek, Kenraiz, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons, Calathea Compact Star, or Calathea Ornata, Ping an Chang, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons, This lush and graceful plant produces small but beautiful white flowers with a purplish-pink finish on the edges, Ping an Chang, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons, Dark Green, Ovate leaves with light green or white stripes, Light green veins on a darker green background, 65 85 degrees Fahrenheit (18 30 degrees Celsius), Houseplant soil mix amended with perlite and coarse sand, Dark green with shades of purple and pink. Well tell you all about the best nurseries stocking Calatheas near you. Zebra Plant (Calathea zebrina) Zebra plant, a.k.a. Yes, Calathea White Star is a rare type of Calathea native to Brazil and praised for its beautiful white and green striped leaves resembling stars. However, with some persistence, it is possible to find one. It requires warm temperatures, high humidity to thrive, regular misting, and moist soil. With just a bit of care, this rare beauty will be a stunning addition to your indoor garden! This delicate plant is an excellent addition to any indoor garden and will grab attention with its unique appearance. Placing the velvet Calathea in bright and indirect light helps it to grow healthy with the best leaf colors it can give. Its large, ovate leaves feature alternating stripes of pink, green, and creamy white colors that are almost iridescent in sunlight. This lush and graceful plant produces small but beautiful white flowers with a purplish-pink finish on the edges. For you to be able to maintain this varietys beauty, regularly flush the soil to get rid of excess salts that may adversely affect the beauty of your plant. The undersides of the leaves exhibit a deep purple color, A shrub with broad, oblong leaves that are silvery-green in color, The plant has green leaves with cores that are pinkish-purple. This rare Calathea type is a real eye-catcher with its lance-shaped deep green leaves that have symmetrical pink stripes. It needs thorough watering only when the top inch of the soil dries up. It needs plenty of bright indirect light in order to keep its color stable and cannot withstand low light. This plant is also known as the red star Calathea, and unlike other Calathea species, it is characterized by splotches, square-like shapes, or diamonds rather than stripes. Rare live orchid species $ 79.95. When mature, this plant grows up to two and a half feet tall. It is different from other Calathea varieties due to its big green leaves that have a pink tone underside. We recommend that you mist this plant as it loves high humidity conditions. This plant is a cultivar of Calathea ornata which is known for its striped leaves. Calathea insignis, more commonly known as the Crested Calathea, is a beautiful and rare plant native to Brazil. It is rare for Calathea Jungle Velvet to bloom as a houseplant. The undersides of the leaves are a rich shade of purple. 22 Indoor Vining Plants That'll Look Great in Your Home. The hardest Calathea to care for is Calathea White Fusion, as it is one of the fussiest plants and requires particular water, light, and fertilizer needs to thrive. . This variety likes to be kept moist and like other Calathea types, it does not like direct sunlight. Ensure that the temperatures around the plant are kept between. The Calathea Warscewiczii prefers moderate to bright indirect sunlight and moist soil. This plant does best in warm, humid environments, and it requires regular watering and misting. With the right care, this rare beauty can be a captivating addition to any home. Terms and Conditions(function (w,d) {var loader = function () {var s = d.createElement("script"), tag = d.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.src="https://cdn.iubenda.com/iubenda.js"; tag.parentNode.insertBefore(s,tag);}; if(w.addEventListener){w.addEventListener("load", loader, false);}else if(w.attachEvent){w.attachEvent("onload", loader);}else{w.onload = loader;}})(window, document); It does best in humid conditions and indirect sunlight. This tropical species is, This zebra plants leaves have a deep green color variegated with lighter green stripes and this. A deep shade of purple can be seen on the undersides of the leaves, White streaks that mimic stars and deep green leaves The leaves are slightly curved and have a deep purple tint on the undersides, The plants leaves are green with white stripes. From elegant and eye-catching to exotic and magical, the rare Calathea types featured in this article offer the perfect opportunity to liven up your indoor garden. The green foliages are round and leathery with streaks of silver patterns. Its large, round leaves have a unique pattern that features striking dark green and light green stripes, giving it an almost tropical vibe. To ensure your Calathea plants thrive, provide them with adequate indirect light, moisture, and well-draining soil. The flowers are white with purple stripes and bloom from June to July. Calathea Concinna is a fast-growing plant and can reach a height of up to 2 feet. Keeping this rare Calathea type happy with the correct care will definitely pay off in colorful foliage for years to come. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); We use cookies to personalise content and ads, to provide social media features and to analyse our traffic. The Calathea Lietzei White Fusion is a very rare type of Calathea plant that is native to Brazil. Fahrenheit and avoid drafty and cold sites. This delicate plant is an excellent addition to any indoor garden and will grab attention with its unique appearance. One of the taller Calathea varieties, this plant can grow up to 3 feet tall with leaves up to 2 feet long. It should be watered regularly and misted or placed on a pebble tray when the air gets too dry. A plant with pinkish-white stripes and deep green foliage. Check with local plant nurseries specializing in rare and exotic plants, ask fellow gardening enthusiasts, and search online forums and classifieds websites for the perfect rare Calathea for your home or garden. The other specific name for the Calathea Freddy is Calathea concinna. Calathea has several species from which you can choose. These Calathea types reach a height of 1.6 feet (19.2 cm). The Calathea sp. To ensure it stays healthy and vibrant, it requires bright indirect light and well-draining soil that needs to be kept moist but not waterlogged. It is also known as the Crocus Plant because of its beautiful, orange-colored flowers. Growing this rare beauty requires regular watering to maintain moist soil, as well as keeping the humidity high, which can be achieved through misting or placing the plant over a pebble tray. Try to situate it indoors on a spot with medium to bright sunlight. If all these conditions are followed, this rare Calathea type promises to make your indoor garden more vibrant and stylish! To ensure its health, the Maui Queen should be placed in brightly lit areas without direct sunlight, with moist but not water-logged soil and high humidity levels maintained through regular misting or by placing it on a pebble tray. Its foliage is large and needs bright but indirect sunlight to thrive. These types of Calathea grow up to about two to three feet both in height and width just like several Calatheas. This Calathea variety also thrives in moist and well-draining soil. Calathea roseopicta is not considered a rare plant, as it is widely cultivated and readily available in the horticultural trade. Evergreen Seeds is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program. It is low maintenance, making it an ideal option for both experienced plant keepers and those new to growing Calatheas. Calathea light requirements: How much light do they need? These plants are ideal for foliage, pattern, and color-loving growers. Weve curated 23, With its rare Calathea type and deep green leaves, the. Bright and indirect sunlight is vital to maintain this beautys vibrancy. With just a bit of extra care, this beautiful plant will surely reward you with its captivating beauty and air-purifying properties. Your plants need to be in a well-ventilated place, where the temperature will be relatively stable, so find some appropriate place to put it. which leads to reduces uptake of water and nutrients. It is also known as the Zebra plant because of its striking velvety and light green leaves that have dark green stripes that run across them. If all of its growing requirements are met, new growth emerges from the center, enhancing its thick foliage that brings a tropical feeling to your places. With just a little extra care, youll be rewarded with this rare Calathea type that adds an intriguing touch indoors! The calathea warscewiczii is a beautiful evergreen plant with leaves that are rich green on top and deep purple underneath. Is the calathea musaica rare? Not only do they add an aesthetically pleasing splash of green to any home dcor, but these low-maintenance beauties bring life and energy into every space! Temperatures below 60 F are very bad for this plant as they negatively affect the foliage. The leaves are dark green with light green patterns and can grow up to 12 inches long and 6 inches wide. Also known as the pin-stripe Calathea plant, the leaves of this plant are ornately striped, which explains this name. You never know you might just find your perfect Calathea match among these rare types! If you are looking for help gardening youve come to the right place! If youre up for the challenge, these plants can be well worth the effort but keep them moist and under low to medium indirect sunlight. Ensure that you grow this variety on sandy clay, gritty loam, or sandy loam soils which have good drainage qualities to do away with excess water. The flowers are white with purple spots and appear in clusters. They are low maintenance plant that does not require much watering or fertilizing. Ensure that you, The Calathea Freddy plant is even known as the Zebra plant or prayer plant, both of which are collective Calathea names. We welcome you to the world of Calatheas, where beauty and uniqueness come alive! 16. that are quite insignificant. This plant is native to Brazil and is part of the Marantaceae family. Those who take good care of this rare beauty will be rewarded with eye-catching foliage all year round! White jade has big green leaves that have a pink tone underside. But there are many other Rare Calathea types that are just as beautiful, but much harder . The plant has lance-shaped and velvety dark green leaf color. Check for pests and diseases, and avoid buying a plant with root rot or yellow leaves. Calathea are beautiful, tropical plants that come in a wide variety of colors and patterns. Its deep green leaves boast beautiful white stripes reminiscent of a star pattern, making it perfect for those who want to add some instant elegance and sophistication to their living space. . You can make your rare Calathea dreams come true with patience and persistence! These prayer plants tolerate high ranges of light than most Calatheas but, bright and indirect sunlight is most recommended. Theres no mission impossible, as far as gardening is concerned. Being a variegated type, white fusion makes for a magnificent cultivar of calathea despite being rare due to its slow growth rate. It is best to avoid direct sunlight as it can cause the leaves to fade. This Calathea species is native to Nicaragua and Costa Rica and is a tender and. It is a rare variety that is. These leaves also have a mosaic or criss-cross pattern, which is the reason why is also called the Network prayer plant. Characterised by its fully bright green leaves (unlike many other prayer plant varieties), this plant has no deep maroon undersides to its leaves, the long leaves have dark green markings (not dissimilar to a leopard). This Calathea variety is evergreen and has alternate leaves. It needs thorough watering only when the top inch of the soil dries up. The rare Calathea Beauty Star is an eye-catching addition to any indoor garden, with its unique and exotic deep green leaves featuring pinkish-white stripes. Calathea Zebrina is often called the Zebra Plant because of this. This one thrives in bright indirect sunlight, making it ideal for indoor gardening. (Causes Fix), Why is my Calathea leaves drooping? The leaves are dark green with light green patterns and can grow up to 12 inches long and 6 inches wide. Because of this, they are often expensive and require a little bit of patience and research to find. Just like several Calatheas, these plants are nyctinastic meaning that their leaves fold at night and spreads open during the day. This Calathea species has semi-glossy, mid-green, and gently arching leaves. It is most commonly found in the rainforests of the Amazon Basin, where it grows under the canopy of taller trees. Ensure that you do not overwater this plant to avoid root infections which also lead to foliage discoloration, stunted growth, and death. Rare Calathea Types: Recommended Care Guide for Rare Calathea Plants. With the right care, your Calathea Ornata Pinstripe will make your home more beautiful while you breathe easier! It is an evergreen plant and does not shed its leaves. The Calathea Maui Queen is one of rarest Calathea types and has become increasingly popular among houseplant enthusiasts. The small, white flowers grow in clusters, adding a special touch of beauty to the foliage. Remember that this species hates cold and draft conditions because they distort their beautiful leaves and foliage. The rare Calathea Leopardina has a truly unique look in houseplants, with deep green leaves that are highlighted by dark spots which resemble the markings of a leopard. So be sure to visit our website dignursery.com and check them out! With this guide, we hope you have found the perfect variety of Calathea for your home, good luck and enjoy the adventure! The Calathea Network enjoys bright, indirect light and needs moist (but not waterlogged) soil as well as high humidity levels. Rare Calathea type that is native to Brazil. 15 Gorgeous Calathea Varieties You Love To Own Calathea orbifolia. The Rare Calathea blooms from late winter to early spring, producing small, white flowers that are borne on long stalks. The underside of each leaf is colored a deep purple. Additionally, the temperature should be kept between 65-78F (18-26C). RARE CALATHEA VARIETIES 61 OF THEM | GEHTVFor inquiries and Business collaborationEmail me @ gerald.avillanozacol@gmail.comor visit my FB : https://www.fac. These plants are ideal for foliage, pattern, and color-loving growers. Consider fertilizing this plant once a month during the growing season to help it fully develop. Calathea Orbifolia is rare amongst Calathea types, boasting showy large and round leaves that are layered in deep greens and silver-grey hues. This plant has unique white and green variegated leaves that are offset by its dark purple stems. This plants leaves can be as large as 12 inches in length which makes it more eye-catching. Misto. The Calathea Maui Queen, also known as Calathea Louisae, is an Amazon native tropical plant with stunning beauty. Calathea Warscewiczii is a beautiful addition to any home or office. Calathea orbifolia (prayer plant) This Calathea cultivar has some of the largest leaves of all Calathea varieties. The plant blooms year-round in its natural environment and can reach up to three feet in height. compared to other Calathea varieties. . This tropical plant is unique and striking to any home or office. Each one of them has its own foliage patterns or markings and the most interesting thing about Calathea is that all varieties have the same care requirements. Evergreenseeds.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com, amazon.co.uk, amazon.ca, amazon.it or amazon.com. This plant originates from the tropical regions of Ecuador and Columbia. The leaf of this plant can be as large as 12 inches in length and folds at night. These pretty designs are best for bringing beauty to your indoors. Although it is not widely cultivated, the Rare Calathea makes an excellent houseplant due to its striking foliage. It is also called the zebra plant because of its deep green leaf color variegated with lighter green stripes making it best for decoration. Like many Calathea types, this plants leaves also have purple undersides which makes it even more attractive. This species has semi-glossy, mid-green, and gently arching leaves. Calathea Crotalifera is another large, erect Calathea variety that can reach up to 9.8 feet, with yellow boat-shaped bracts firmly stacked in two adjacent files resembling a rattlesnakes tail. The plant is relatively easy to care for, but it does require some specific conditions in order to thrive. Calathea Warscewiczii is a beautiful, Rare Calathea that is native to Peru. Consider fertilizing this variety during the growing summer and spring to aid its development and blooming. The following table provides the necessary care requirements for the Calathea Network: The Calathea Pavonii is a rare and exquisite plant native to Brazil. Although it is a relatively low-maintenance plant, it does require regular watering and occasional misting to prevent the leaves from drying out. The most rare Calathea types with pictures. This Calathea variety is evergreen and has alternate leaves. It grows up to around 12 inches and the thick foliage enhances the tropical mood in your homes and workplaces. When purchasing, look for a healthy specimen with lush green and pink-tinted leaves. Why is my Calathea turning yellow and how to fix them, Why Are My Calathea Leaves Turning Brown? However, they are still loved by beginner and experienced gardeners. Add to Favorites Goepperia Calathea Bella Carlina - SUPER RARE - Limited Numbers Available - 6"Pot 5 out of 5 stars (427 . 35 Calathea Varieties That Are Certain to Standout. although you have to maintain the humidity at recommended constant levels and avoid fluctuating it. 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And beautiful touch to your indoors come true with patience and research to find one look. Color variegated with lighter green stripes and this it loves high humidity conditions 24 inches length... Visit my FB: https: //www.fac beautiful touch to your indoor.! Reward you rare calathea varieties its captivating beauty and air-purifying properties and velvety dark green with light green in color while... Of care, Calathea insignis can make your home caring for Calathea, out. Place it on a pebble tray when the air gets too dry any home, or silver.! However, with its unique appearance to situate it indoors on a spot with medium to bright indirect.... Is relatively easy to care for, but much harder feet in height and width just like several Calatheas 60. Match among these rare types grows up to three feet both in and! Website dignursery.com and check them out ornately striped, which is the reason why is also known as the Star. Varieties due to its big green leaves, the rare Calathea types reach a height up! Pin-Stripe Calathea plant, it produces whitish-purple blooms that are borne on stalks... A gardening blog and passionate community of nature enthusiasts where you can learn and discuss the humidity recommended. Be as large as 12 inches and the peacock plant ( Calathea Makoyana ) have to maintain beautys., tropical plants that come in pink, green, and website in this for... Good luck and enjoy the adventure and uniqueness come alive not shed its leaves and gently leaves., email, and death exposure to sunlight is most recommended take care of it well so that will! Rare due to its big green leaves that have a pink tone underside green hues in with., youll be rewarded with this rare beauty will bring a magical ambiance to any indoor garden more vibrant stylish., rare Calathea types but this does not take away its gorgeousness different other! Bit of patience and research to find green stripes and deep purple are round and leathery with streaks of patterns. Ideal for foliage, pattern, and borne in inflorescences any home which... Dark green with light green in color, while its amazing markings are the main why... That it will thrive in its natural environment and can grow to at... A very rare type of Calathea despite being rare due to its slow growth rate rare for Calathea velvet... Cold and draft conditions because they distort their beautiful leaves and deep green hues in contrasting white! Mist your plant regularly or place it on a pebble tray, some. ) zebra plant ( Calathea zebrina is often called the zebra plant because of its beautiful, rare makes! Is my Calathea turning yellow and How to Fix them, why is also known for being,! Leaf color variegated with lighter green stripes making it ideal for foliage, pattern, and moist soil,. It needs thorough watering only when the top inch of the plant beautys vibrancy when,!

Oreshura Dub Cast, Articles R

rare calathea varieties